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Advanced Hard Tissue Management for Implant Site Development

Faculty: Dr. Ehab Moussa

May 22-24 2020

Limited Seating Hands on Course

Postponed due to corona virus

Bone augmentation can be a very challenging area of implant dentistry. Procedures are very technique sensitive and the complications can be
severe. This course will offer an advanced hard tissue augmentation review. Principles involved in bone grafting will first be reviewed along
with pertinent didactic information. Focus will be shed on a few techniques that will be thoroughly presented. Clinical cases will be
presented to outline the decision making process involved in procedure planning. This will be followed with hands-on exercises to implement
the presented information

Hard tissue topics:
-Principles of bone augmentation
-Defect classification
-Graft materials and membranes
-Flap management and suturing
-Autogenous bone harvest
-Titanium mesh technique
-GBR with resorbable barriers
-Ridge expansion/splitting protocols
-Bone blocks and plates
-Decision tree for defect management


Hands on:
-Labial flap release
-Lingual flap release
-Titanium mesh technique
-GBR with resorbable barrier
-Double layer suturing

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Dr. Ehab Moussa

  • Dr. Moussa obtained his Bachelors degree in dentistry from Alexandria University, Egypt. He then joined his father in a specialty practice focusing on dental implant rehabilitation. In 2012 Dr. Moussa joined the periodontics fellowship program at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in Cleveland, Ohio. Following which he pursued a Masters degree and residency in periodontics at CWRU.

  • In 2016 Dr. Moussa joined the implant restoration fellowship program at Louisiana State University in New Orleans, Louisiana. He currently maintains a full time position in private practice limited to periodontal surgery and dental implant rehabilitation.

  • Dr Moussa has lectured nationally and internationally on topics that include; Hard and soft tissue augmentation around implants, periodontal-plastic surgery, and immediate implant placement strategies.

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