This comprehensive course offers an in-depth exploration of the principles and techniques of esthetic crown lengthening, from traditional diagnostic methods to cutting-edge digital protocols. Attendees will gain theoretical knowledge on topics such as the anatomy of the periodontium, the basic principles of crown lengthening such as when to perform gingivectomy and osseous surgery. The aim is that participants obtain the knowledge to diagnose, plan and execute any type of aesthetic crown lengthening for the management of aesthetic concerns like gummy smiles and altered passive eruption, as well as restorative cases, so that they obtain predictable and stable results over time. The course will also highlight the application of the newest and innovative digital protocols for diagnosing, treatment planning and digital smile design, patient communication, and guided surgery execution, supplemented by interactive case discussions and surgical video demonstrations.
Participants will also engage in a hands-on workshop using customized models simulating altered passive eruption case. They will practice key steps, including gingivectomy, flap elevation, ostectomy, osteoplasty, and suturing, to perform esthetic crown lengthening procedures. This workshop is designed to enhance practical skills and reinforce the integration of digital and conventional techniques for predictable outcomes.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the fundamentals behind crown lengthening: the relevance of periodontal anatomy and respecting the biological width.
2. Understand the multifactorial etiology of gummy smiles: recognize the different aetiologies that interplay within gummy smile, and be able to diagnose the possible role of altered passive eruption.
3. Treatment plan any aesthetic crown lengthening case: develop effective treatment plans based on patient-specific needs, whether they have altered passive eruption or they need restorative treatment to obtain predictable outcomes.
4. Apply these concepts into any type of crown lengthening case: learn how to apply these basic biological and surgical concepts into any crown lengthening case that you might find in your practice, whether aesthetic or functional.
5. Learn the surgical techniques and steps of crown lengthening: master the different steps on crown lengthening, both through evaluation of clinical cases hands-on practice on simulated models.
6. Apply digital tools and current digital protocols: how to include current digital technologies throughout the steps of diagnosis, treatment planning, patient communication and guided surgery, for enhanced precision and predictability in esthetic crown lengthening cases.

Javier Calatrava - DDS, MDS, PHD (candidate)
🏫 EFP Board in Periodontology & Implants - UCM
〽️ Adjunct Clinical Faculty - University of Michigan